Description/About Shelter

Cats, foxes and raccoons-the voice of the animals e.V. is an animal welfare organisation that works nationwide for cats, raccoons, foxes and other wildlife. And also helps the cats abroad.

Our tasks:
- Nationwide adoption mediation of found cats
- Operating a nursing station for mediating cats
- Cooperation with animal rights activists and organizations worldwide
- Castration programs and emergency operations of cats worldwide
- Education and information about the raccoon and other wildlife animals
- Establishment, support and mediation of raccoon catchment facilities nationwide
- Operating a separate raccoon catching station for the Saarland
- Commitment to animal welfare in government and politics

Contact Phone Number
Physical Address
cats, foxes and raccoons-die Stimme der Tiere e.V.
Großwaldstraße 18
66265 Heusweiler

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