Saving Pound Dogs - Cyprus [SPDC] is a group of volunteers trying to save dogs that have ended up in various local dog pounds. By working in co-operation with the local pounds, we try to identify the owners of lost dogs through various channels.
If unsuccessful, we try to find new homes for our furry friends, either in Cyprus or abroad.
SPDC has a sanctuary near Nicosia and also use foster homes to take care of the abandoned, abused and neglected dogs in our care. All our work is undertaken by volunteers and we rely totally on donations.
As well as the Nicosia Sanctuary SPDC have responsibility for the dogs in a municipality pound in Limassol.
What we do is to: - engage in improving the life of a dog whilst in the pound - work with the local vets to make sure that the pound dogs are treated, if sick - strive to keep the dogs healthy at all times - search for foster homes or, even better, forever homes - organize fundraisers etc. in order to try to raise funds and support in the local community. - all dogs adopted through SPDC come with Rescue Back Up for life.
All actions done by the affiliated dog pounds are under the umbrella of SPDC.
Tala Monastary Cats are a Volunteer group who feed and care for the cats that live at Ayios Neophytos Monastery, Tala.
For many years, stray cats have lived around the Agios Neofytos Monastery in Tala, Paphos.
By June 2011 this number grew to a steady colony of approximately 70 cats, all living at the Monastery Cafe. The colony was moved down the road to the existing site of the Cat Park where volunteers fed the cats twice per day. Cats were regularly dumped but the numbers always stayed the same, as some cats died through illness or infection and kittens sadly rarely survived.
Igoumenou Leontiou Ave,
Tatzenhilfe-ProTaktion ist ein engagiertes Team, das sich dem Schutz der Katzen verschrieben hat.
Jeder Einzelne im Team der Tatzenhilfe proTaktion verfügt über viele Jahre Katzenerfahrung und wir sind bereits Jahre im Tierschutz aktiv.
Warum haben wir die Tatzenhilfe proTaktion ins Leben gerufen?
Katzenelend gibt es zu Hauf im In- wie im Ausland. Wir wollten uns nicht entscheiden müssen, welches Elend nun größer ist und so haben wir uns entschlossen, die Tatzenhilfe proTaktion zu gründen. Wir möchten helfen, wo es uns möglich ist.
Im Inland möchten wir dies z.B. durch Kastrationen und Versorgung von Streunern verwirklichen. Aber auch durch Hilfestellung, die wir Katzenhaltern anbieten, die Probleme mit ihren Tieren haben, und somit im Idealfall ein harmonisches Miteinander von Mensch und Tier wieder zu ermöglichen und so der Katze ihr Zuhause erhalten zu können. Vermittlungshilfe, falls das Halten des Tieres nicht mehr möglich ist, leisten wir ebenfalls.
Gemeinsam mit Nathalie - unserer Katzenpsychologin - sehen wir uns für diese Aufgabe gut gerüstet.
Sicher werden wir keine Wunder vollbringen können, aber wir hoffen, das ein oder andere Problem lösen zu können.
Im Ausland möchten wir dabei helfen, die Lebensumstände der Tiere vor Ort zu verbessern, denn nur mit der Vermittlung nach Deutschland ändert sich die Situation im jeweiligen Land nicht. Wir unterstützen daher ausschließlich ausländische Vereine, die auch daran arbeiten, die Situation vor Ort entscheidend zum Positiven zu beinflussen.
21614 Buxtehude
We are Volunteers that cannot stand by and watch as defenseless animals are tortured and killed in Bulgaria!
Our aim is to give the homeless animals in need a new home and thus to give them the chance of a new and happier life! To implement this idea, we need the help of other animal rights activists and animal
Here briefly our projects, how we would like to convert this goal:
1. by finding new forever homes for the shelter animals, the new owners will get from us healthy, vaccinated and micro-chipped animals.
2. through castration programes and assistance in raising awareness of the need for castration in Bulgaria
3. With our bank account of the organization: ASSOCIATION ''EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR ANIMAL PROTECTION-VARNA'', we collect voluntary donations, which are used exclusively for the care and treatment of injured and sick street animals, their vaccinations and medical care, as well as the necessary food for animals in foster homes!!! We also use some funds for the maintenance of the enclosures etc..
4 We publish here announcements for animals from the whole country, which look for a home. Because animal love knows no address or residence!
5 Gladly also exchange of experience can be made here over the Adoptieren and Kümmern of an animal
Our Mannheim animal shelter is a temporary place for ALL pets that have escaped or flown off, and for those that have been taken away from the owners due to animal abuse or for animals whose owners can no longer keep them.
Mannheim, Germany 68169
Die Tierhilfe Anubis e.V., ist ein eingetragener gemeinnütziger Verein mit Sitz in Heidelberg.
Der allgemeine Zweck des Vereins ist die Förderung des Tierschutzes, wobei unser Hauptaugenmerk auf Spanien liegt: Wir helfen dort Not leidenden Katzen und Hunden, indem wir ihnen ein Obdach und unsere Zuwendung bieten, sie füttern, kastrieren/sterilisieren sowie medizinisch versorgen lassen. Und wir helfen, indem wir uns darum bemühen, für diese Tiere neue Besitzer zu finden, die ihnen ein richtiges Zuhause schenken. Das heißt, wir vermitteln Katzen und Hunde aus Spanien – sowohl nach Deutschland, als auch ins deutschsprachige Ausland.
Wir sind freiwillige Helfer, die Tieren an der Costa Dorada helfen.
Wir unterstützen Strassentiere in Form von Futterpatenschaften oder Kastrationsprojekte.
Für geeignete Tiere suchen wir ein liebes Zuhause.
We are volunteers who help animals on the Costa Dorada.
We support street animals in the form of food sponsorships or castration projects.
For suitable animals we are looking for a loving home.
+49 711 3650661
Please help Troulloi dogs if you can.
Even a few euros are very important and all of it goes to their vet care, deworming, Deflea-ing and their food. Also if you can offer a forever home to one of our stray dogs that would be really great.
As with all the municipalities’ pounds, the law states that if, after 15 days no owner is found, the dog has to Put To Sleep. Since the day we took over the pound we have made it possible not even a single dog to be euthanized but we really can’t cope anymore and we are not sure for how long we can keep them safe… Please share for them, help Troulloi stray dogs to stand a real chance.
Twinkle is a small UK registered charity dedicated to helping feral or neglected cats of Fuerteventura. We try to relieve the suffering and ensure the well being of stray and abandoned cats. Our primary role is to humanely manage the feral cat population through treatment and sterilization.
Since 1995 Twinkle has traveled to Fuerteventura, to carry out neutering campaigns to help the stray and abandoned cats. Twinkle carry's out large scale sterilization programs several times a year, plus we are neutering cats or being called out for emergencies on an almost daily basis.
All of us are volunteers and as such are unpaid but we do what we do because we have a respect and love for animals and we know that each of us can make a big difference to every cat we can reach.
If you would like to help you can donate on their own Donation Page here.
Hand in hand with our Cypriot sister organization CyDRA (Cyprus Dogs Rehoming Association) we try to change the terrible living conditions of the dogs in Cyprus and help the many mistreated and forgotten dogs which linger in Cypriot Rescue and Municipal Animal Shelters.
Many of them are kept under catastrophic conditions, often mmistreated and inadequately cared for.
When they are no longer needed and unwanted, the dogs are simply disposed of like rubbish. They are abandoned or handed in at the usual killing stations.
Geschäftsstelle Wertach
z.Hd. Frau Regine Rennwald
Bichelweg 36
87497 Wertach