Shelter, Business, Organization Name
Description/About Shelter

Cats, foxes and raccoons-the voice of the animals e.V. is an animal welfare organisation that works nationwide for cats, raccoons, foxes and other wildlife. And also helps the cats abroad.

Our tasks:
- Nationwide adoption mediation of found cats
- Operating a nursing station for mediating cats
- Cooperation with animal rights activists and organizations worldwide
- Castration programs and emergency operations of cats worldwide
- Education and information about the raccoon and other wildlife animals
- Establishment, support and mediation of raccoon catchment facilities nationwide
- Operating a separate raccoon catching station for the Saarland
- Commitment to animal welfare in government and politics

Contact Phone Number
Physical Address
cats, foxes and raccoons-die Stimme der Tiere e.V.
Großwaldstraße 18
66265 Heusweiler
Shelter, Business, Organization Name
Description/About Shelter

This is a group dedicated to the promotion, rescue and rehoming of German Shepherd Dogs found around the island of Cyprus.

Shelter, Business, Organization Name
Description/About Shelter

The Glücksfellchen Tierhilfe e.V. has set itself the task of dog rescue and dog re homing.
They mediate dogs from Romania directly from the killing station or from a reception station, which we support and which accommodates up to 250 street dogs.

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Description/About Shelter

Hunde in Not means Dogs in need:
Hunde in Not do not find dogs themselves and are neither an animal exchange nor an animal market.
Here animal protection societies have the possibility to present their animals free of charge. The use is and remains free for the participating associations.
Puppies and small dogs in need, mixed breeds, pedigree dogs from animal protection shelters in Germany available for re homing.

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Description/About Shelter

The association Hundeliebe - grenzenlos e. V. rehomes dogs in need and supports animal protection activists locally AND abroad.
Especially also for fur noses from killing stations, which have no one else to help them, who protects and cares for them and stands up for them every day.

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Description/About Shelter

Help for the Cats in Cyprus was started by Marion in January 2017, after a visit to the island.
The misery of the local animals cannot be ignored and I decided to help.
The Animals of the Cat Colonies are often very social, because they are used to tourists.
However, not everyone thinks well of them some feel disturbed by the cats. The beach, the restaurants and the street are definitely not a safe place. You can find poisoned or run over animals everywhere. Fortunately, we succeed with the helpers on the spot to place one or the other kitten in a loving and safe home.

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Description/About Shelter

This is more of a Group of Volunteers on Social Media than a Shelter, but I decided to include it anyway as they do excellent work in finding new Homes for Cats from Cyprus.
The aim of this group and its members is to find lovely homes for rescued Stray Cats from Cyprus, who are in great danger of being poisoned or crashed by cars due to evil humans.All cats are rescued from sad situations and despite their pain and suffering, they are showing unconditional love and give us daily lessons of kindness.

Shelter, Business, Organization Name
Description/About Shelter

Hand in hand with our Cypriot sister organization CyDRA (Cyprus Dogs Rehoming Association) we try to change the terrible living conditions of the dogs in Cyprus and help the many mistreated and forgotten dogs which linger in Cypriot Rescue and Municipal Animal Shelters.
Many of them are kept under catastrophic conditions, often mmistreated and inadequately cared for.
When they are no longer needed and unwanted, the dogs are simply disposed of like rubbish. They are abandoned or handed in at the usual killing stations.

Contact Phone Number
Physical Address
Zypernpfoten in Not e.V.
Geschäftsstelle Wertach
z.Hd. Frau Regine Rennwald
Bichelweg 36
87497 Wertach